Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Welcome to the Course!

Please watch this quick video just as a "welcome" to the course and to give you a head's up about the class, the syllabus, and the books! Be sure to get the books as soon as possible, since this is a short class and you'll fall behind quickly without them! But again, welcome to our Superhero Comics course and I look forward to sharing this amazing literature with you for the next few weeks!

NOTE: This is a blog I've kept since 2011 for each time I've taught this course. The posts after this one are from other courses and will not be the work you do for this class--so don't get worried. This is the only post you have to worry about for now.  

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Some Final Paper Resources, Part 3: Cultural Significance of Comics

For those of you interested in exploring the cultural significance of comics, there are many articles and discussions about how comics both ...